Our process is incredibly user friendly please see the enrolment process to get you on the app stores below.
Book IT
All our customers have a 30 free trial to use the application to increase bookings within their business. Once you have registered you will be emailed access to the business owner portal, simply fill in all your information load your staff’s availability and upload your logo and store image. Ask you customers to download the book IT application on the Google play store and Apple App store to start taking bookings.
E Food
All our customers have a 30 free trial to use the application to increase orders within the business, once you have registered you will be emailed access to the business owner portal, simply fill in all your information and create your menu. Add your business logo and profile image. Ask you customers to download the E Food application on the Google play store and Apple App store to start taking orders
How you get paid.
Simply log into the your business admin portal select (x) and attach your strip card details this will insure that all payments made by your customer go directly to your stripe account.